How to Store Decorative Pillows

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How to Store Decorative Pillows 2 -

How to Store Decorative Pillows

Decorative pillows can really make a room pop, but what do you do when it’s time to switch them out or store them away? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ll dive into the best ways to keep your pretty pillows safe and sound when they’re not on display.

Quick Answer: To store decorative pillows, clean them first, choose airtight containers or breathable bags, stuff with tissue paper to maintain shape, and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Why Proper Storage Matters

Before we jump in, let’s talk about why it’s so important to store your decorative pillows the right way. Trust me, I learned this the hard way!

A few years back, I had this gorgeous set of silk pillows I’d picked up on a trip to Thailand. When fall rolled around, I tossed them in a box and shoved them in the attic. Big mistake! When spring came, I pulled them out to find them musty, misshapen, and covered in weird stains. I was heartbroken!

That experience taught me that a little extra care goes a long way. Proper storage helps:

  • Keep pillows clean and fresh
  • Maintain their shape and fluffiness
  • Prevent damage from moisture, pests, and sunlight
  • Extend the life of your pillows
  • Save you money in the long run

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to store those pretty pillows!

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How to Store Decorative Pillows 3 –

Step 1: Clean Your Pillows

First things first: we need to get those pillows squeaky clean before we pack them away. Think of it like giving them a spa day before their long nap!

Check the Care Label

Every pillow has its own set of rules, so start by checking the care label. It’s like a little instruction manual for your pillow’s well-being. Some might be machine washable, while others might need special treatment.

Spot Clean When Possible

If your pillow just has a small stain or two, spot cleaning might do the trick. Here’s how:

  1. Mix a tiny bit of mild detergent with cool water
  2. Dip a clean, white cloth in the solution
  3. Gently dab (don’t rub!) the stained area
  4. Use a fresh, damp cloth to remove any soap residue
  5. Let it air dry completely

Machine Wash with Care

For pillows that can take a spin in the washing machine:

  • Use a gentle cycle with cold water
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent
  • Wash pillows in pairs to keep the machine balanced
  • Run an extra rinse cycle to remove all soap

Dry Clean When Necessary

Some fancy pillows might need professional cleaning. If the care label says “dry clean only,” it’s best to listen. Your local dry cleaner will know just what to do.

Step 2: Choose the Right Storage Containers

Now that your pillows are fresh and clean, it’s time to find them a cozy home. The right container can make all the difference!

Plastic Bins: The All-Around Champ

Plastic bins are like little fortresses for your pillows. They keep out dust, moisture, and pesky critters. Look for bins with tight-fitting lids for maximum protection.

Pro tip: Clear bins make it easy to see what’s inside without having to open them up.

Vacuum-Sealed Bags: Space-Saving Superstars

If you’re short on storage space, vacuum-sealed bags can be a game-changer. They shrink your pillows down to a fraction of their size. Just be careful not to over-compress fluffy pillows, or they might lose their shape.

Fabric Storage Bags: Breathable Beauties

For pillows made of natural fibers like cotton or wool, breathable fabric bags are a great choice. They let air circulate, which helps prevent mustiness and mold.

Step 3: Pack Like a Pro

Packing your pillows right is key to keeping them in tip-top shape. Let’s break it down:

Stuff with Care

Before you tuck your pillows away, give them a little padding. Stuffing them with acid-free tissue paper helps them keep their shape. It’s like a pillow for your pillow!

Layer with Love

If you’re storing multiple pillows together, think of it like making a pillow lasagna. Layer them with tissue paper or soft cloth between each one. This prevents color transfer and keeps fabrics from snagging on each other.

Don’t Overcrowd

I know it’s tempting to cram as many pillows as possible into one container but resist the urge! Overpacking can lead to squished, sad pillows. Give them some breathing room.

Step 4: Find the Perfect Spot

You’ve cleaned, packed, and containerized your pillows. Now, where should they live?

Climate Control is Key

The ideal spot for your stored pillows is cool, dry, and has a steady temperature. Avoid places with big temperature swings or high humidity, like attics or basements.

Elevate to Eliminate Problems

Keep your storage containers off the floor. This protects them from potential water damage and makes it harder for pests to get in. Shelves or pallets work great for this.

Shun the Sun

Direct sunlight can fade fabrics and break down fibers over time. Choose a dark or shaded spot for your pillow storage.

Step 5: Check In Regularly

Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind! Set a reminder to check on your stored pillows every few months.

Inspect and Protect

When you check in, look for any signs of trouble:

  • Moisture or mold
  • Pest activity
  • Unusual odors
  • Changes in shape or texture

If you spot any issues, address them right away to prevent further damage.

Fluff and Rotate

While you’re at it, give your pillows a good fluffing. This helps prevent permanent creases and keeps the filling evenly distributed. If possible, rotate which pillows are on the bottom of the stack.

Bonus Tips for Pillow Perfection

Here are a few extra tricks to keep your decorative pillows in prime condition:

  • Use cedar blocks: These natural moth repellents smell great and help keep pests away.
  • Add lavender sachets: They’ll make your pillows smell lovely and have natural anti-moth properties.
  • Label your containers: This makes it easy to find the pillows you want when it’s time to redecorate.
  • Consider vacuum storage for long-term: If you’re storing pillows for more than a season, vacuum-sealed bags can be a great option.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it, folks! With these tips, your decorative pillows will be ready and waiting for their next starring role in your home decor. Remember, a little extra care now means beautiful, fresh pillows later.

Do you have any pillow storage tricks up your sleeve? I’d love to hear about them! Drop a comment below and share your wisdom with the community.

Happy storing, and may your pillows always be fluffy and fabulous!

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